
Our Story

From the Beginning

From the beginning, the endeavor has been blessed by those eager to serve and to share.  Some have come to clean and to paint.  Others donate time to do paperwork, to greet guests at the door, to cook meals, to do laundry.  Often donors have arrived at the door with exactly what was needed.

Guests, who have come from most of the 50 states, as well as foreign countries, have given of themselves, by offering comfort and encouragement to one another in their struggles. Guests have contributed by donating cans of food or an article of clothing.  One early guest did a sketch that is used on the Friary’s letterhead.

Little Portion has tried to provide a safe haven that is clean and comfortable so that guests can regain control over their lives.  Those who volunteer here work together as a team, without publicity, positions or titles.  Their goal is to provide a place where the needs and gifts of countless individuals could come together.

What we’ve learned is that sometimes we’ve had to say “no,” and sometimes we gave more than we thought we could.  Giving our clothing, toiletries and household items was easy enough, while giving structure and consistency has always been more difficult.

Serving the Buffalo Community for over 35 years

With over 35 years, the Little Portion Friary continues to bring together workers, donors, and guest in an effort to meet the basic needs for food, shelter, and clothing, but also to see that each guest takes his or her own steps toward a more stable life.

We depend entirely on the efforts of volunteer workers and remain in awe of the generosity that has sustained us this long. Please contact us to learn more.

Compiled by Paula V, volunteer