
Services at LPF


While you stay as our guest, you will be a member of our extended family.

“You never made me feel less than human”

-Former guest

What We Provide

A home to nineteen men and ten women. The average length of stay at Little Portion Friary is dependent on a guest’s needs.


Each guest is interviewed by a volunteer and asked a variety of questions regarding past issues as well as future concerns. This interview determines the eligibility of a guest. An individual must be homeless; at least 18 years of age; 24 hours free of drugs and alcohol; have no sexual offense record; be capable of doing chores and be able to follow house rules. The guests must be able to be out of the house daily from 9 am to 4 pm, and they must return no later than 10:00 pm. The guests must be linked with services, as directed or referred to by a counselor. Phone referrals can be taken providing there is an open bed, but Little Portion Friary (LPF) does not have a waiting list. Since a guests stay is day-to-day if the house is full when first contacted, homeless individuals are requested to call back daily to inquire about availability


Depending on a guests situation he or she may be required to attend outside programs. LPF is a member of the Continuum of Care. Guests are required to meet with guest services regularly to work towards their goals.

Weekly Interviews

To further help the guests, every Friday a representative of LPF meets weekly to review their plan. This meeting is to get an update on their progress and an understanding of what is expected of them to continue staying at LPF. This is where education, prevention and/or treatment programs are introduced for those individuals having problems moving forward. Although housing is the first concern, this is not possible without some type of financial means. This can be in the form of a job or applying for some type of benefits such as Medicaid or cash assistance.

Little Portion Friary Nondiscrimination Statement

It is the policy of the Little Portion Friary a temporary shelter to house adult men and women to comply fully with all Federal, State, and local non-discrimination laws and regulations governing Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity in housing.

The Friary will not deny any adult men and women an equal opportunity to reside at the Friary on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, familial status, or a mental or physical disability (unless the disability cannot be reasonably accommodated in a manner that enables the individual to qualify for residence at the shelter). 

It is the policy of the Little Portion Friary to provide reasonable accommodations for limitations or modifications needed by a disabled guest or applicant for residence at the shelter due to a mental or physical disability of the individual.  Requests for reasonable accommodations should be made to the Director if present.  If the Director is not present, requests for reasonable accommodation should be made to staff in Guest Services.