- 13 Mar 2018
- Littleportionfriary
- Monthly Update
- Comments: 0
This appears to be a repeat of last month! The end of the month brought us a foot of snow in Buffalo I’m warm, the 29 Guests currently staying at Little Portion Friary (LPF) are also warm thanks to your donations, volunteers staffing LPF and guests being tentative to their plan.
We continue to make the most of each donation through optimizing our phone, TV and cable plans. We moved off cable TV last month and are using a free space antenna and TV both donated by our benefactors, who we continue to pray for. This month we started the migration from a cable phone service to a Voice over IP system. The device and supporting equipment was donated and to show God’s immense grace the engineer who donated the device provided her services to configure and install this device.
For the month of February, your donations have helped 47 men and 22 women who were much less fortunate. Without our volunteer staff and donations by others, these 69 souls would have been on the streets in February. Volunteers are greatly needed and donations are essential for us to stay open.